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Mort Kunstler

Mrs. Jackson Comes to Winchester Artist's Proof Signature Giclee on Canvas

Price:  $400
Item#:  46118

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25 x 17 in.
Signed by the Artist
Numbered Limited Edition
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about this piece
The following excerpt from the book 'Stonewall' Jackson by Dr. James I. Robertson is what inspired this painting:

-Those reports were not as disturbing to Jackson as they might have been. A wonderful distraction gripped his mind: his beloved Anna was due to arrive in Winchester at any time. For weeks she had been begging to join her husband.

When he seemed agreeable in mid-November, Anna packed quickly for the trip. She refused to wait for the aide Jackson had promised to send as an escort. Friends accompanied her to Richmond; 'a kind-hearted but absent-minded old clergyman' traveled with her the rest of the way-even though he managed to lose Anna's trunk in the process.

The final stagecoach ride brought Anna to Winchester late at night. She disembarked in front of the Taylor Hotel without baggage and with no one to greet her. With uncertainty she started up the hotel steps. A heavily bearded soldier stepped away from a group of people on the sidewalk and slowly walked up behind her. Powerful arms swung Anna around; kisses rained on her face. It was Jackson. He had ridden down to the hotel with the hope that the midnight stage might bring his wife.

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