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Thomas Kinkade

Seaside Village SN Canvas

Price:  $1260
Item#:  23376

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image Size:
30 x 24 in.
SN Canvas
Numbered Limited Edition
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5 - 7 days plus transit time
Fedex or UPS
*Canadian Orders
about this piece
The Standard Numbered Canvas is individually hand-highlighted and numbered with the designation of S/N in the numbering process.

Seaside Village began as my largest plein air painting. I came to feel that I was in wonderful harmony with the sea and sun and sand as I painted. I did all I could on locationn took the canvas back to my studio to add imaginative touches. My work on the painting gave me a renewed appreciation for the lovely simplicity of life lived in harmony with the rhythms of the sea. Imagine living, talkingnd working in a place where the ebb and flow of waves and tides beats like a metronome in the background, setting a slow, steady pace.

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