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Alexander Chen

Beijing 2008 Summer Olympics Giclee on Canvas

Price:  $495
Item#:  38516

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24 x 16 in.
Signed by the Artist
Numbered Limited Edition
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5 - 7 days plus transit time
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about this piece
Alexander Chen, an ordinary man with an extraordinary vision and talent, was born in Canton China in 1952. Alexander began drawing as a child developing his craft as he moved through the many changes that came into his life. At age 16, he moved to the countryside where for the next four years he worked as a farmer, all the while continuing to record in his art the world as it evolved before him. Then for six years he worked for an on the road theater, painting stage backgrounds.

At age 26 Alexander found himself once again in Canton, but this time as a student at the art schools and colleges where he continued his studies in art. While in art school, he met a fellow student who would later become his wife. Much had changed for this city born artist who for so many years lived as a country bumpkin.

Alexander's appreciation for both worlds gave him the broader dimensions visually and emotionally to translate into his paintings -- the heart and soul of city life -- as well as capturing the creator's genius that so evident in the beautiful countryside and magnificent mountains.

In 1989 Alexander and his wife immigrated to America where he quickly translated his love for the United States into paintings that reflect deep feelings for our bustling cities and our beautiful countryside and national parks.

Beijing 2008 Summer Olympics commemorates the upcoming Olympic games to be held in Beijing. Chen beautifully reveals the rolling landscape of his former home through one of its most recognizable landmarks.

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    Alexander Chen

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