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Thomas Kinkade

Serenity Cove Gallery Proof on Canvas

Price:  $960
Item#:  96364

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27 x 18 in.
Gallery Proof on Canvas
Numbered Limited Edition
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5 - 7 days plus transit time
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*Canadian Orders
about this piece
The Gallery Proof Canvas is individually hand-highlighted and can be distinguished by the unique gold foil Remarque stamped onto the image. Gallery Proofs are designated with letters G/P during the numbering process.

Serenity Cove, featuring a lighthouse inspired by Marblehead Light on Lake Erie, celebrates the guidance my faith offers as I face life's transitions. For me four boats sailing towards the horizon symbolize the life journey of my four daughters as they grow into adulthood.

In nature, times of change are often the most brilliantly colored. The transition of sunset paints the fading hues of autumn with a heavenly radiance; in this still waters of Serenity Cove reflect the glory of earth and sky.

The lighthouse is not just a beacon of hope and symbol of faith; it is also a cozy family cottage. The gazebo and lawn furniture suggest the comfortable life lived within this safe haven.

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